grant gustin next to oliver queen's grave. Here lies the last bit of human decency. Society. Social Media
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distracted boyfriend. Socialism. The Youth. Capitalism
distracted girlfriend. Socialism. The Youth. Capitalism
genie lamp. phenomenal cosmic power. itty bitty living space
see? nobody cares. we've got dodgson here!. see? nobody cares
x, x everywhere. memes. memes everywhere
american chopper argument. Let's expand safety nets. Socialism never works!. Scandinavia is socialist and they're doing great!. They're not socialist. They're capitalist with strong welfare policies!. Then let's adopt those!. No that's socialism!!
nothing to do here. nothing to do here
office space milton. . I was told there would be cake
do you want ants?. do you want ants?. because that's how you get ants
almost politically correct redneck. I supported my sister's abortion. Still would have been cool to be a dad
always has been. Wait, it's round?. Always has been. Flat Earther. Science
and then i said. and then i said. the exam will only contain what we've covered in lectures
life... finds a way. life.... finds a way
socially awesome penguin. say a word wrong. create hilarious inside joke
socially awesome awkward penguin. first day at new job. spill coffee on bossman
socially awkward penguin. start telling joke. forget punchline
socially awkward awesome penguin. trip guy on the street. he was running with a stolen purse
you should feel bad. your meme is bad. and you should feel bad
milk was a bad choice. milk. was a bad choice
awkward moment seal. when you're watching a movie. and your parents walk in at the sex scene